Monday, November 19, 2012


I have been really busy since my last post. Photo sessions, quilting, and working at the Queen's Pantry.
This week I opened and closed at the Queen's Pantry while my friends, who own the shop, were in NYC!
 The paper pieced Christmas quilt I am making to go on the coffee table. I already made two log cabin table runners. One for the buffet in the dinning room and the other to go on the piano. :-) I'm very excited to decorate for Christmas this week!
Another thing I enjoyed was going to the Veteran's Day Parade here in Leavenworth, KS. We stood outside of the Queen's Pantry and enjoyed talking with people as we watched the parade! It was REALLY cold, but we survived! The cold did make my joint pain a lot worse so that will have to be something I take into consideration this winter and plan on not being outside much once it gets cold here.
 Two of my favorite things (now that watermelons aren't in season anymore) Unsalted Potato chips... No nutritional value... but not really bad for me either. It's a great snack when I get tired of eating "my way"
 My Brother -in-law took this picture the last time he was over. He grilled the vegetables to perfection! Thank you Seth! Grilled veggies just seem so much bettter to me than stir frying them. I'm not sure why, but I certainly enjoy them grilled a lot more.
 My favorite meal this last week:
Algerian Wedding Rice:
Brown Rice, sliced almonds, dried apricots, and pine nuts sauteed in a skillet on the stove with a tad bit of low sodiom vegetable broth. Than add a few dashes of Bragg's amino acids.
 I've eaten it three times this week :-)
A newfound discovery! Whole foods has Spicy Italian Quinoa Burgers that I can have! They are super spicy so it actually makes drinking my veggie juice easier which is a huge plus. Not something to eat every day, but a fun little treat on occasion.
How I am doing:
I've been really tired, and I've had headaches every day. Plus, my awful cold sores are back again. This Sunday my joints started throbbing and my back spasmed up on me. Now while this has not been fun to go through again, it is certainly a lot better than it used to be when I would have these set backs. I haven't had to spend any days in bed... In fact, I haven't had a nap in a week. Which might be part of the problem as I haven't been sleeping well at night either.  
God is good though, and I've had a lot to be thankful for this month! So much that I usually take for granted. So although it has been difficult, God is good, and is constantly helping me through as He strengthens me.
With these problems this last week I've decided to try and stick fairly closely to my diet over Thanksgiving instead of splurging. Hopefully I will remember to post pictures of our Thanksgiving for you. I'm looking forward to spending time with Seth and Lindsay and their kiddos! PLUS Tim, Nat, Logs, and Sabs!
Hebrews 12:1
   Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

Friday, November 2, 2012

Great Report!

I know it has been a little while since I updated... I'm sorry, lots going on so here I will try and sum up what all has been going on health wise ups and downs. :-) 

Here is an up!
 This is an apple dessert that Toria made this week! SOOOOO YUMMY! It looks kind of gross in the picture, but I assure you it was VERY tasty! 

and here is a down...
 Okay, I just thought I didn't like cabbage rolls before the new diet changes... now I really don't like them. Other people in the family didn't mind them though, so perhaps it's just me. 

Another UP! 
 I found out that I am not only ALLOWED to drink Rooibos it is actually suggested that I drink it! 
The downside is that I can't put any sweetener of any kind in it. So in my eggnog Rooibos I've been putting a dash of Pomegranate Cranberry juice in it to sweeten it. It tasted really good. Kind of like a mulled spice drink. In my Lemon Souffle Rooibos I've been putting Pomegranate Blueberry juice. The Marzipan Rooibos I've found I can drink without any sweeteneer. All of my Rooibos I buy at The Queen's Panty Founding out I can drink my Rooibos now as the weather is turning colder has been SUCH a JOY! 

and the UPs keep coming!
 We finally have found a GREAT smoothie combination! This is becoming more important as the good fresh fruit is harder to come by. 

 Stir Fry was never something I enjoyed before... But I find I really like it now. So that is a huge blessing! 

A few weeks ago we had company over for dinner and I was so worried about serving someone what we were eating. We did the stir fry, and company was very gracious. I had been so sad that week that watermelon season was over when lo and behold what should our guest bring to dinner?! 
 WATERMELON! It was SOOO good too. I love it when God sends the little things in life to bless our lives! Such an encouragement! 

Irish White Bean Cabbage Stew! This was VERY good tonight! 

1 large onion chopped, 3 ribs celery chopped, 3 cloves garlic minced, 1/2 head cabbage chopped, 4 carrots sliced, 1 1/2 pounds potatoes cut in large dice, 1 bay leaf, 1 teaspoon thyme, 1/2 tsp caraway seeds, 1/2 tsp rosemary crushed, 1/2 tsp ground black pepper

6-8 cups vegetable broth, 3 cups cooked great northern beans (2 cans, drained), 14 1/2 oz canned diced tomatoes, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley

Place vegetables, seasonings, barley, and broth into a large stockpot. Cover and simmer until vegetables are tender, about 45 minutes. Add remaining ingredients, check seasonings, and add more herbs if necessary. Simmer uncovered for at least 15 minutes before serving. 

Okay now for the health update: 

Since my last update about the latest flare up I have really struggled with the fatigue, seeming to have a hard time getting back to where I was. A friend kindly sent me info on a B-12 (methylcobalamin). After reading up on it I decided it was something I should try. I ordered some and started taking it yesterday. Today I certainly felt better, but it is probably to soon to confirm whether it is the B-12 or not. We shall see as time goes by.

Now for the GREAT NEWS! I went to the Dr today and all my blood levels are in normal range (kidney, liver, and inflamation) for the first time. So this is a huge encouragement that the diet is indeed working! God is good, this is such a great blessing. I was starting to feel pretty discouraged this week with the low energy levels after everything I have done, but I know this process has taken some people 1-3 years of being on the diet, so it is very nice that I am seeing such good results already. So, I want to thank everyone who has been keeping track of how I am doing and has encouraged me and prayed for me. It has been so nice to have some support through family and friends. We still have a ways to go, but it's nice to see something positive. :-) 

1 Chronicles 16:36

New King James Version (NKJV)

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
From everlasting to everlasting![a]
And all the people said, “Amen!” and praised the Lord.