Monday, November 25, 2013

Overdue Report.

I have been very unfaithful in my blogging on my life and health... A friend pointed out that I needed to finish what I started. This friend also mentioned that it makes it easier for people to know how to pray for me... SO! Here is a brief overview of some of the highlights and what I've been able to do and then I will summarize where I am healthwise right now. :-)

^Photo by Katie Bollinger 

I was able to go nonstop throughout the week of Shelby's wedding without any major health concerns. The night of the wedding I did max out my pain levels but it was all under control by the next day. This was a huge step for me as there was a lot of stress and little sleep involved in this... Not something I would have handled well last year with me health. I appreciate everyone's prayers throughout that time. :-) 

I finally got to TRAVEL! It felt so good to pack my gear and get on a plane to see Shelby! I had forgotten just how much I LOVE TO TRAVEL! 
As the weather has turned colder I have loved living on my Highland Hearth Rooibos. 

 Traveling meant a few "cheats" to my diet. I decided to only try and maintain vegetarian during our travel and stay away from corn. above is hummus and veggies I had while meeting a friend at Old Ebbitts Grill in D.C. Below is veggies and rice in a spinach wrap from bountiful baskets that I have grown to LOVE! 

This has been my FAVORITE!!! Toria came up with Blueberry muffins!!!! She has also made me Sweet Potato Muffins. Surprisingly enough I liked those too. They reminded me of french toast. 

^Sunrise on our drive home. 

 After an exhausting but wonderful trip visiting Shelby and the Reid family we began a grueling car ride home. I'm not going to lie the ride home was long and painful and took a lot out of me. I've decided traveling for me really should NOT mean 17+ hours driving in the car in one day. However, God is good and I did survive the trip. 

 ^Sunset the day of our drive. 

^photo by Dan Spratt 
This last weekend I was able to photograph a friends wedding with Victoria helping out as my assistant! It was an amazing day filled with me in constant motion from early in the morning until 5pm where I then drove to Lindsay's house in Springfield.

So that I could be there today to photograph Noel Grace's birth. ^ This photo was taken by my Mom. :-) 

Ok my health... God has been very good. The Benlysta has been improving my energy by leaps and bounds. I haven't had any mouth sores since we started the infusions. However, it has NOT been a miracel cure by any means. I've had some people asking me what I mean by I'm having a "good" day what does that mean to me. A "good" day means my pain levels are at a 5 an ok day means I'm more at the 6 or 7 range. Bad days are 8 or 9. and horrible no good very bad days are a 10. :-) 

Sadly I've escalated to narcotic pain meds to get by on a daily basis. I usually take 2 a day although there are days I take only 1 there are also days I take way more... As long as I'm having a "good" day I don't take pain meds. I try to wait until I really need them. 

More good news. Last week I successfully dropped my prednisone from 10mg to 8mg. This is the medication that I need to slowly get totally off of. I've tried a couple of times and my system has crashed each time. So praying that with the Benlysta we will have better results this time. :-) 

My Methotrexate we successfully lowered from 8 pills a week to 6 pills a week. 

Also my latest blood panels all came back within normal ranges and looked really really good. So we are making definite baby steps in the right direction even if at times it is hard to step back and see the big picture... remember where I've come from and see where I am headed. 

I'm not going to lie it has been really hard. I've had some really bad days... or weeks depending on when we are talking about. I just have to keep my focus planted firmly in knowing that I am God's and He is keeping me in the palm of His hand. As long as I am focused on His plan for me and accepting what He has and not necessarily focused on my dreams, hopes, and plans... then I do pretty well. It can be very hard at times, but I truly do want to live every moment to bring Him glory and this is the path He has me on for now. 

Thank you!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I have been overwhelmed by how many people are praying for me. I can't tell you how many texts I received the day a shot the wedding to simply let me know that I had a multitude of prayer support wrapped around me on that day. It was overwhelming to me to have people care enough to not only pray but to let me know I was covered in prayer. I felt so treasured, loved, and blessed. I know that it was because of everyones faithfulness to pray for me that I made it through that day so well. God is always good and I have always had exactly what I need to shoot weddings. I love being able to photograph weddings and I truly love the fact that I have to rely on God to get through them. This way He gets all the credit at the end of he day. :-) 

Prayer support
Everyone is always graciously asking me how they can better pray for me so here are some of the things I am facing right now. 

I'm going to continue to slowly lower my prednisone. Prayer that the decrease will not have adverse side affects. That I would be successful in coming off of it. 

My next Benlysta infusion is Dec. 10th so prayer that those would continue to go well and have the positive results we have been seeing. 

With the holidays upon us food becomes harder and harder... Would love prayer for wisdom on what would be okay to eat and what I should stand firm in avoiding.

Pain management. I would love to not need the pain meds at all... However, I would like to focus on simply needing less for now. I would love your prayers in this area.  

Ok, I think that's all I have for now! Thank you again for all of your prayers! 

Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart, All you who hope in the Lord.

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