Monday, August 5, 2013

Self Control...

So I must confess... I still have a GREAT LOVE for sugar and it upset my self control GREATLY!

Mom got me these AMAZING vegan cookies at Whole Foods. It was a delightful treat and I didn't have any problems from eating them. HOWEVER, a week later I decided to get some more and lets just say I ate a *cough* few too many for my body to handle. Yes, I can CONFIRM that sugar does INDEED make me hurt when I lose my self control.... ;-) 

This has become one of my most favorite snacks. I love hummus with fresh veggies and some fruit. My favorite fruits are still oranges, grapes, and WATERMELON! In fact I must confess I sat down and ate half a watermelon the other day... At least it wasn't a TEXAS sized watermelon. ;-)  

 I know that oil is not on my list of things to eat.... but sometimes little treats are so very nice. Joanna made me these yummy French fries from potatoes we had in the pantry and I enjoyed them immensely! 

Ah and here is my big splurge. This was how I  celebrated my one year marker of eating on my diet. Those of you that know me... know that I LOVE LOVE LOVE pizza. I found a place that serves vegetarian dairy free pizza. It was SOOOO good. (If you know me REALLY well... then you KNOW I picked the tomatoes OFF!) ;-) 

Okidoki... Now for an update on me since that is really what you are interested in... My Dr. had recommended a new medication that would need to be administered monthly via IV infusion. She had been wanting us to consider it for a while, but we were really hoping to just get off all the meds... not add a new one. However, my health simply has not recovered to its fullest since April I am still taking pain meds on top of everything else daily. We are really needing to get off the prednisone due to my bones... So the prayer is that with the infusions we will be able to pull the prednisone and the methotrexate back. My infusions needed to be approved by the insurance company. At first they declined saying they needed more info on me. Today I heard back that after sending them more of my files they approved the infusions and so I will be looking to schedule 4 visits within the next three months. I am a little apprehensive of this new plan so I would covet everyones prayer support.

 I'm sorry I haven't done a better job of keeping everyone informed here on the blog... I've been using all my energy to keep up with my photography that God has been blessing me with lately and helping Shelby with Wedding plans!   

Well, that is a look into my world. The Lord continues to bless my life in so many ways. God has given me the BEST family and I don't know how I would survive without all their love and support they give me daily! 

Psalm 89:1 
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever; With my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations.