Saturday, July 28, 2012

Baby steps

Ok...  First of all... Remind me NEVER to mention winning in marbles on my blog again. I've lost every game since that blog post. ;-) Oh well, we still have had a lot of fun! 

Seeing improvement even in the little things is so encouraging and gives me hope that this truly may help in the long run... even if it takes a while. I'm feeling way better this week than I have in a long time. I still get tired easily, but when I'm awake I don't feel like I'm in constant pain and living in a fog moving from one nap to the next. I can actually be PRODUCTIVE in my day! 

People have started being able to notice just by looking at me that I'm feeling a lot better... I thought that was strange and then looked at this picture that was taken July 4th on one of my "good" days the day before I started my new eating choices. Then I compared it to the picture of me taken last night in the sunflowers... Well, I'll leave you to decide which picture looks like the girl is sick and pretending she feels ok and which picture is actually a picture of a girl that DOES feel good. 

The next goal is working on walking daily. So tonight I started out with a 15 minute walk. I was sad that it really did seem to be a hard walk for me... but hopefully as I do it more it will be easy to work up to more. Just had to keep reminding myself that I'm working on baby steps here, and just because I have to start small to make sure I don't set myself back does not mean I am a failure or inadequate. 

It can be so easy in the midst of all these changes, trying to make the best choices for my health to lose sight of the progress I am making... It's so easy to look ahead to where I know I want to be and feel discouraged. However, God has been so great to send me just the right encouragement I needed to press on and keep my focus on Him and His current plans for me. My health challenges may be overwhelming at times, but they have certainly taught me how to rely on God daily through everything and take it all to Him. He has truly been faithful to me.

Lamentations 3:22-23

New King James Version (NKJV)
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.


  1. Kristina - YES! What a difference we can see in the before and after diet change. We are excited for you and want you to know that we are praying that God will not only put your lupus in remission but that in the process He will also refresh your soul. Thanks for blogging as this is really encouraging to us.

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so glad you can see the differences! I appreciate all of your prayers so much!
