Okay, I mentioned in my previous post that I had gone out to get stuff for one of my soups that I'm supposed to be eating. My three soup choices were Kale Fennel, Tomato Leek Greens, and Cabbage Mushroom. We decided to just start with the first one... So following are pictures of our Kale Fennel Soup!
Trying to translate what the recipe was talking about in certain part was interesting. I've been following recipes for YEARS, but apparently this type of cooking is different. :-) Cause we were highly confused several times, but we stuck with it and were victorious in the end.
Here is a look at some of our fresh and fabulous ingredients!
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Parsnips,Kale,Carrots, Lentils, and zucchini. |
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Peaches, zucchini,kale, parsnips, onions,beets,lentils, split peas,carrots, and cashews. |
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juicing the carrots and beets |
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Vegetables that we had to "soften" so we could blend them in our vita mix. |
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My attempt at cutting the carrots and parsnips (Thanks for taking over Tor) :-) |
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Finished product! |
Okay I started this blog with the idea that I would be 100% open and honest with people. So with that in mind I will now disclose my thoughts on this soup. I can perfectly describe it in two words.
Sweet MUSH
Textures can be very hard for me... So for me I have needed to eat my "soup" over brown rice. The rice simply helped out with the very mushy texture I had going... gave it a little more substance. I still can't say that it is a favorite, but I have been eating it for lunch all week (except for yesterday)
Today I am trying the Cabbage and Mushroom soup. I actually think I like it a lot better however it also tastes really sweet... I think I'm missing the more salty savory taste that main meals tend to have.
I know the question on everyone's mind.... "How are you feeling?" ;-) It is so hard for me to judge from one day to the next how I am doing so I tried to sit down today and really think about if I was seeing any improvement. Well, I don't feel bad, which is good, I think I'm starting to see minor improvements. I don't seem to be as fatigued, I do have pain, but haven't needed to take any Tramadol for pain yet (HUGE), my nausea seems to have disappeared so far... So those are all good things.
This week I allowed myself to become discouraged with where I am, and what I am doing... My poor mom tried so hard to motivate me and bring my spirits back up.. SORRY MOM!
Anyway, lessons learned... I need to work really hard at taking thoughts captive!
2 Corinthians 10:5
New King James Version (NKJV)
5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
Praying for you!